Thursday, 22 August 2019

Is medical marijuana a ploy to legalize marijuana in general?

What is medical marijuana? Does legalizing it mean everyone can use it? Should we legalize IT? Is it safe? Has its effectiveness been proven? How do we keep it from teenagers?

The late Member of Parliament for Kibra Mr. Ken Okoth had an unprecedented bill pushing for the legalization of medical marijuana in Kenya.
There has been some excitement and controversy around this topic. While young people were celebrating, the old guard including the cabinet secretary for interior security Mr. Fred Matiangi’ are vehemently against it.

So what exactly is medical marijuana?

Medical marijuana is a plant-based medicine from cannabis sativa and cannabis indica. Marijuana itself has 100 cannaboids and over 500 active compounds. The 3 major active compounds are

1.       THC or tetrahydrocannabinolis-
This is the psychoactive compound. It is responsible for the “high” people feel. There are 2 main drugs dronabinol and nabinole thatare synthetic forms of THC
They are used to prevent nausea and vomiting in people receiving chemotherapy.

2.       CBD or cannabidiol
Marijuana without the high
This is the least controversial. CBD is not psychoactive. This compound has little, if any, intoxicating properties. In other words there is no “high”.
CBD is to be responsible for majority of the medical benefits.

3.       CBN

Cannabinoids the chemicals in medical marijuana are similar to chemicals that the body makes involved in appetite, memory, movement and pain.

Health benefits from medical marijuana—

Studies suggest cannaboids might

i) Relieve pain IQ

ii) Control nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy

iii) Kill some cancer cells- it is worth noting that because there are over 100 cannaboids and over 500 active components, it is NOT yet known which compounds kills which cancer. It is shown that one active compound may be harmful to one type of cancer while another active component kills the cancer.

iv) Relax tight muscles in people with multiple sclerosis (MS)

v)  Stimulate appetite and improve weight gain in people with Cancer and AIDS.

Medical marijuana is used to treat conditions like
i.                     Glaucoma
ii.                   PTSD
iii.                  Epilepsy
iv.                 Crohns disease

The challenge with medical marijuana is that for one it is commonly misunderstood.  We are just starting to scratch the beginning of this plant. Cannabis won’t go anywhere, it is here whether we like it or not. It gives hope to many people today. However it is a complex plant. It is our responsibility as humans to learn how use it better and study it and learn how to specify it.


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